Friday, May 14, 2010

Seven For Friday

-After successfully getting Betty White to host SNL, the crazy kids and their Facebooks are turning back to the Internet to see what other celebrities they could try and get SNL to have as guest-hosts. Names like Carol Burnett are out there, but here's one you haven't heard yet that I would like to offer up: Abe Vigoda. Seriously, he was in that same Snickers commercial with Betty White and is getting no love. I would hurry, though.

-It seems as though every phone commercial that airs these days has the same general premise: Person has big, super-important presentation to make. Person forgets presentation. Person can download presentation with very fast connection on their fancy phone. Now, it seems good in theory, only I would imagine that if you can't remember to bring the biggest presentation of your life then you aren't going to be very good if you were to get the job. I know I wouldn't hire you, no matter how nice your phone may be.

-I can't get over the way the Cavaliers rolled over and gave up last night. I never would have thought that an NBA coaching staff would ever be so accepting of their fate. I mean, you see teams down 14 with six seconds left trying to foul so being down 9 with over a minute left should be a no-brainer. They were acting like they were the team up 3-2 in the series.

-Speaking of those Cavalier coaches, allegedly they're all about to be fired. That means the Cavaliers, Bulls and Hawks jobs are already open. Also, Larry Brown may be ready to move to Philadelphia's front office, Doc Rivers wants to spend more time with his family and Eric Spoelstra can't feel secure as long as Pat Riley is walking around that Miami Heat office. That means 6 of 8 the NBA Eastern Conference playoff teams may be changing coaches this offseason. When did the NBA become the NHL?

-I'm not all that upset about NBA cancelling Law & Order because, lets face it, it's not like we're never going to see it again. There will still be all-day marathons to get you through a sick day or a rainy Sunday. However, if they announced they would be pulling all the re-runs off of the USA network, then you would see some rioting in the streets.

-Tell you something about another crime show: after watching a couple episodes of A&E's great show The First 48, I am now fairly convinced that I could be a homicide detective. I mean, it's pretty easy to know who did it, cause it's always the guy who's face is not blurred by the camera. If I can see you then you obviously did it. I wouldn't even need the 48 hours.

-Ok, it was great of you to try and save a whale. Well done, sir. Still, I'm slightly dubious of the 280-yard drive. That part seems kind of far-fetched.

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