Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tagged For Five 2009 Highlights...

I have been tagged by the Notorious EJR (EJC? ERC? EJRC?) from It Be Liz. I guess this makes me IT. Now, I was actually tagged yesterday, but I already had a post 95% done so I wanted to get that finished. Also, as I was thinking this out, I'm ashamed to admit I had trouble coming up with 5 things. It's not that 2009 was especially terrible, it's just that I am terribly boring.

I am supposed to list 5 highlights of 2009, then tag 5 other bloggers to do the same. Here goes:

1. Welcomed my niece Madeline Johanna Waldron to the world on September 3rd. My Goddaughter is awesome. Also, because she is a baby it seems she has doubled in size every time I see her, which is just fun.

2. Went to "The Wedding Strikes Back." Normally sequels are disappointing. Not this one, as it was awesome. It's not every wedding you get a chance to make friends with a wall.

3. Accomplished both my golf goals of breaking 50 at Willowdale and 115 at Chemawa. Right now, good golfers are laughing at how low my expectations are. Good golfers should shut the hell up.

4. Went down to Wareham. Did nothing. While doing nothing is not usually much of an accomplishment, in this case it means that there was nothing left we had to do down the Cape. The necessary construction was complete after three summers (building the new deck this summer will be more aesthetic than essential), so we were able to just enjoy the beach house for the sake of it being a house near the beach. I read, I played golf, I watched sports. At no point did I hammer, drill, saw or paint. It was nice.

5. Blogged here for 365 Days. As I went over old posts looking for another highlight, I realised that setting the goal of blogging for 365 days and actually doing it was pretty good. Pardon me while I pat myself on the back.

Now, most of my friends don't have blogs (they're patiently waiting for this whole "Internet" fad to pass) so I will just instead invite anyone who wants to be tagged to steal this and post it on their blog. All I ask is a link in return.

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