Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Guy versus Your Guy

I never thought of my buddy Franny as overly-political. He never seemed to lean heavily to the right or to the left. His parents are pretty conservative Republicans so he typically voted with them, as you would expect, but he never seemed very passionate about many right-wing stances. I just never thought he actually cared one way or the other, until this year's Presidential election. All of a sudden Obama, who I made no secret I was voting for, became "Your Guy" and McCain was "My Guy."

Once the election was over, he could not wait to point out all the things that "Your Guy" was doing wrong. For example, in the last three weeks he's reported how Nancy Pelosi is going to make Obama her errand boy, he's not going to pass one piece of legislation that will help the economy and the terrorists are dancing with joy at Obama's win. The problem is, he's running out of steam and thus, his arguments are getting weak. Here's a transcript of a conversation we had yesterday:

Franny: Did you know that Your Guy smokes?
Me: Yeah? And...?
Franny: He's a terrible role model for children. [editor's note: Franny once started smoking because he thought it would get him laid. He's not one to talk.]
Me: Well, Bush is going down as the worst President in the history of the country.
Franny: Yeah, but Obama smokes.

He hasn't even been sworn in yet. I eagerly await four more years of this.

Once again, leave it to Jon Stewart to say it best:

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