Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why Not Just Donate to the Human Fund?

In a story that only proves sci-fi geeks and their money are soon parted, a Russian billionaire recently bought his not-as-hot-as-you-would-think girlfriend 100 acres of land... on the moon. This story leaves me full of questions:

1. How did this guy become a billionaire? He's clearly easily duped.

2. Did she ask for this, or was this just a spur of the moment idea? Take it from me, man, this is why you should always ask for a list from any girlfriend. They don't like it when you take initiative in this way. I can only imagine she'll give him the "Oh, well that's thoughtful" courtesy smile, but all the while she'll be thinking of a tactful way to ask for the receipt.

3. What, exactly is she going to do with this land? Are we close to living on the moon, and I'm just out of the news loop? Or for Valentine's Day is she getting a chamber where she can be frozen until this land becomes a hot commodity?

4. On the scale of useless gifts, this has to be way up there. Why not just get her a sleeve of scratch tickets? At least then, even if she doesn't win, she at least has the fun of doing all the scratching...

-And, here's something to motivate you for the rest of the day (Thanks Shiv, via Best Week Ever.)

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