Friday, December 12, 2008

Ok, the world has gone nuts...

Certain levels of cheating are expected in sports. That's why there are refs - to call you out when they catch you, make you feel like an idiot in front of a large crowd of people and make you try and be less obvious on your next attempt. But, I'm talking about getting a half-second jump on the snap, putting a hand on a back and a little shove in the lane or trying to steal a catcher's sign from second. When it comes to that kind of cheating, it's actually pretty fair. Everyone's trying it, so it may be the only thing in sports that's equal. We dress it up and call it "gamesmanship," but it's an attempt at cheating. For whatever reason, I can roll with that. But, I find people who use steroids to be giant pieces of shit. That being said, I never thought steroids would hit the world of chess.

Technically, this guy didn't fail a drug test, he simply refused to take one. But, as anyone who has ever applied for a job before knows, refusal to take a drug test is the same as failing. I guess they are trying to make chess an Olympic sport (why not? badminton is) and thus, they need to start drug testing to make this happen. I think the mistake they made was asking this guy to piss in a cup immediately after he lost. Think back to the guys who were in the chess club in high school: did they strike you as the type who rolled with situations? No, they were the guys who thought they were the smartest in the room and got pissed when anyone who they thought was dumber than them (read: everyone) asked them to change their routines in any way. I've seen chihuahuas that are less skittish.

I wonder what chess officials think anyone will accomplish taking steroids. I would think that bulging biceps, while surely intimidating, would only serve to either break the time clock or force you to slam down you piece with such force it would knock the rest of the pieces off the board, causing you to start all over again. I just think they should use some common sense.

Of course, it could be that he was on steroid. Just look at what he did after the match:
"he stormed out of the room in the conference center, kicked a concrete pillar in the lobby, pounded a countertop in the cafeteria with his fists and then vanished into the coatroom".

Sounds like 'roid rage to me.

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