Saturday, January 17, 2009

Enjoyable Viewing and Sports Guesses...

-I think one of the reasons that the NFL is so successful is that they have the timing of the games down to a science. With games at one and four on a Sunday afternoon, you could theoretically watch a game and then spend the rest of the day actually, you know, doing productive things. The problem with basketball is that games don't usually start until 7 or 8 and thus by the time the game is over you don't really want to go out, as you'll just be back home in an hour. Not today, my friends. The Notre Dame/Syracuse game was on at noon and the Celtics/Nets tilt started at 1. Both games were over by 3:30 and the rest of my day was open to work on projects, check my emails and do lots of other things... or I could watch the Georgetown/Duke game followed by the UNC/Miami game or the Marquette/Providence game. But, I'm mean, there's a chance I could be productive today. But with my dad at his knee rehab center, someone has to keep the recliner in functioning order.

-Ok, I have no insight on any of the teams remaining in the playoffs, cause I didn't watch a single Cardinals, Ravens, Eagles or Steelers game before last week, save for when the Steelers and Cardinals played the Patriots. But, since knowing what you're talking about doesn't seem like a prerequisite to work on a sports show anymore, I'm as qualified as the next guy to offer picks in tomorrow's games. Thus, I'm going with the Steelers, 31-17 and the Cardinals, 27-23.

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