Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's in my head today...

-So, my dad has his knee replacement surgery on Monday. He forbid any of his kids from visiting him in the hospital, cause he's my dad, but told us that we could see him when they transported him to the rehab center that he was going to be in post-surgery. He got moved late yesterday so we were able to finally visit him today. He's seems to be doing very well, despite the new large scar. He's already able to bend the knee to about 90 degrees, which is very impressive given that he had the surgery only four days ago. I credit the rehab center he went to. They're making him do physical therapy a couple of times a day and making him work, versus just letting him go home and trusting him to do the stuff on his own. It seems to be making a world of difference.

What's funny is that the place is essentially a rest home and, at 60 years old, he's the youngest non-staff person there by a good 20 years. Addison and Charlotte went and visited him today and brought the chaos that they are so famous for. Addison discovered that you can use a walker as a sweet jungle gym and toy. I can only imagine what is going to happen when Abigail, the human pixie stix, goes to visit. My dad is going to get a rep as the young, loud whippersnapper on the floor. Also, I think when he gets home he'll start wearing his pants up higher and start yelling at neighborhood kids to get off his lawn.

And, you may find this shocking at a retirement center, but the parking was a bit chaotic as well. Who would have imagined that a lot full of retirees' cars would be all over the place, with cars taking up anywhere from one to three spaces? It's almost as if old people have trouble driving.

-So, CBS is making a big deal of the fact that tonight they're airing the final CSI featuring William Peterson. Personally, I don't watch the show, I don't care if he comes or goes. But, Mr. Peterson, I looked at your IMDB page - you should be careful in your thinking here. You weren't exactly putting a great career in film on hold with this show. You may want to ask David Caruso how well leaving NYPD Blue worked out. Please notice that he's back on your sister show CSI: Miami, and damn grateful for the opportunity. Remember Rob Lowe's show after West Wing, Dr. Vegas? Neither does anybody else. In the famous words of the great rock band, Cinderella, sometimes you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

-And speaking of TV: I don't watch much TV if it's not sports. There aren't a lot of shows that I enjoy. But, one of the ones that I do like is Bones on Fox. Well, because of whatever reason - college football, baseball playoffs, stupid reality game shows - they haven't had new episodes for almost two months. So, I was looking forward to watching one tonight. Only President Bush decided that tonight at 8 would be a great time to have his farewell address. So instead of watching a show that I've been looking forward to seeing for a month, I get to watch the worst public speaker in American politics today attempt to defend the last four years of incompetence. It's like his final middle finger to America.
Dude, just go already. You've got an approval rating of about 22% right now. Taking 15 minutes in primetime isn't going to help this late in the game. Now you're just annoying us.

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