Friday, January 16, 2009

What is it about Newbury Comics...

...that make it impossible to remember what I went in there for?

For those of you who may not be from the Boston area, Newbury Comics is a music and movie store that also has a large collection of unusual trinkets in the aisles as well as a vast collection of tees shirts - from amusing to band shirts, so 13 year old girls can buy AC/DC shirts and try and look tough. It's a great store because they have a huge collection of DVDs so that you can pick them up on the cheap, for those movies that you liked... but didn't like enough to pay $20 for a copy. Well, they just opened a huge store in Norwood and I figured that yesterday was as good a day as any to add to my movie collection.

Currently, I'm in the process of re-buying all the movies that I own on VHS on DVD. I'm taking it slow and steady only buying one or two at a time. But, since I got a couple of gift cards for Christmas, I figure that I could make a very healthy dent in my list. I currently have a pretty lengthy list of about 50 movies, but when I walk in I go completely blank on it. Yesterday when I was going to the store I was a man on a mission. I was getting Speed, Bad Boys and Apollo 13. I kept repeating the list to myself when I was walking in... but yet, two minutes later I was wandering the aisle just staring at all the titles. A brief stream of consciousness re-enactment:

What did I come in here for? I knew I should have written it down. Wait, I think one of the ones I wanted was Speed... yeah, that's one of them. Oh wait, SuperMan Returns. I liked that one... kind of. Wait, it's only $3.99 for the 2 disk special edition? Seems like a waste to not get it. Shit, what else was on my list? Did I need a new copy of Rocky? Did I already get a new copy of Rocky? Wait, Ronin... now that was a sweet movie. How do I not own a copy of this?

On and on this went for a solid half an hour. This is especially ironic considering in any other phase of life I am usually the super-organized one who remembers all the details. Final tally was 6 movies, for a grand total of $30. Only two of them were on my list, but what's nice is I built myself extra long shelves, so I've got the room.

-And by the way, Happy Birthday Jay!

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