Thursday, January 1, 2009

So, I'm curious...

-When did New Year's Eve become the night of jumping over shit? The last couple of years has featured specials where someone takes a motorcycle and attempts to do something stupid. This year had not one, but three of them. The best one was the first one where some guy attempted to do a backflip with a truck. He did the flip, but couldn't get the landing. The other two were guys on motorcycles trying to jump a fake volcano that didn't go off (lame) and trying to jump to the top of the replica of the Arc de Triumph in Vegas (Getting up was easy. Down? Not so much). It's a lot of build-up for something that takes about 30 seconds from start to finish.

But what I want to know is how you get into being a stunt coordinator. Did you just wake up one day and think to yourself, "You know what would be cool? If someone set their bike on fire and then tried to jump over the Sears Tower while blindfolded. As an added bonus we'll have people on the sides with flash bulbs trying to break his concentration. Hey, they could even throw stuff at him while he passes by. That would be awesome. I mean, I sure as hell won't do it, but it would be cool if someone else tried it."

-I'm not really one for resolutions, cause I forget them by January 5th. Besides, I should lose weight and drink less soda whether or not my calendar says 2009. Instead, I'm just going to set a couple of performance-based goals. Basically, I want to break 50 at WillowDale and 115 at Chemawa. Neither one will get me on the PGA tour, but it'll show some improvement.

-So, I set my iPod to shuffle at midnight and here's my song for the year:

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