Monday, January 5, 2009

Poker Stories

The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and he was telling me all about a poker tournament that he had entered. In his excitement of coming in 28th, he wanted to tell me almost every crucial hand he played. Unfortunately, he never noticed the fact that he basically told the same story four different ways. And that's when it truly dawned on me: all poker stories are the same. Really, they all end with one of two possible outcomes. Either you were a) way ahead and lost on the river card or b) way behind and won on the river card. The only variable is the amount of money that changes hands.

Now, I've been as guilty of this as the next guy. I once knocked two other people out in a single hand and you would have thought I invented oxygen the way I walked around telling everyone. And, only recently did it occur to me that unless the person you're talking to plays golf, then they don't want to hear your golf stories (that's why I started my other blog, to tell my golf stories). So, I feel we need to start a movement. No more telling stories about a hand of poker unless something extraordinary happens. I'm talking aliens land in the middle of the hand extraordinary. Catching an ace on the river does not count.

-Now, I know it can be hard to work around sporting goods if you have a jersey addiction, as I do. When I worked at Reebok I would immediately have the boys on the loading dock put aside any XXL Celtics jerseys that came in and would only send them up to the floor if I decided I didn't want them. Honestly, I pretty much just signed half my paycheck back right when I got it. But, even I never got so greedy as to take 2,000 of them.

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