Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo Beers

I'm sure my loyal readers know that there is nothing I enjoy more than celebrating my Hispanic heritage. I don't technically have any, but not being Hispanic doesn't stop me and it shouldn't stop you either. This year's Cinco de Mayo plans are being seriously cramped here in Massachusetts for two main reasons:

1. It comes on a Tuesday.
2. It happens to be cold, raw and rainy.

But, that's no matter. Cinco de Mayo is also just another sign that spring is here and the weather is getting better (again, not today, but you get the idea). As a result, the traditional beers that you can roll with through the winter have to change. I love Guinness, but it's not the best beer to drink after a day of yard work in August. Instead, I offer you the top 5 beers to drink on Cinco de Mayo:

5. Corona Light. Or you could just drink water. It'll have the same effect.
4. Land Shark Lager. Back in the day Jimmy Buffett used to be sponsored by Corona. But then business got in the way and Jimmy instead decided to market his own beer. It's like a Corona rip-off, only not as good. Also, it can be hard to find unless Buffett is playing a concert in town. But, he's made enough money to name a stadium after it, so someone must like it.
3. Miller Chill. This was the first of those "light beer that already has the lime flavor in it" for those of you not coordinated enough to cut a frickin' lime (I shudder to think what you would be like after a couple of Miller Chills). I've tried this beer and it's just a little too salty for my liking, but it beats the two previous entries.
2. Bud Light Lime. This was Budweiser's attempt to jump in the lime-flavored beer market. It's better than Miller Chill, but they didn't quite get the mix right. Went a little too heavy on the lime juice. You should get just a hint of lime until those last couple sips when the lime is right at the lip of the beer, when it goes lime-heavy. Bud Light Lime tastes like that all the time.
1. Corona. It's the best of this group. It really is the best beer for any day that is 90+ degrees outside.

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy your Cinco de Mayo.


Liz said...

Aaah Corona. Corona did me no wrong over the weekend in 60 degree Dublin. Cerveza mas fina indeed.

Tami said...

I've got a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat next to me that's totally hitting the spot in sunny Florida.