Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. But especially to my mom.

My mom rocks. I'm sure the four of us were a handful growing up (especially Amy. Go ahead, mom, you can admit it) and still she was always tough but fair with us. When I took a special interest in sports she tried to follow along as best she could so we would always have something to talk about (just yesterday she was saying how much trouble the Celtics are in because so many players are "sick"). And now she's become a big softie as a grandmother, because at Mamo and Poppa's house there are no rules.

Please notice how my Dad is the only one facing at the camera. Just trying to keep order.

If you needed further proof of just how great my mom is, she was able to take these two handfuls...

My sisters were always snazzy dressers...

and show them how to be world-class moms themselves.

This picture is proof the "not looking at the camera" gene is hereditary...

...and so is being a snazzy dresser.

So Happy Mother's Day to Mom, Shiv and Amy. I love you all.

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