Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sandals and Quick Hits

The other day I had some shopping to do and headed up to the Wrentham Outlets. First off, I don't know why I go there - it is exactly the opposite of the kind of places I should do my shopping. I like to be able to hit stores rapid fire; get in and get out. Instead the stores that I needed to go to were in different sections of the outlet, and that meant dealing with crowds of people, all of whom like to travel in groups of at least 6, walk slowly, then stop in the middle of walkways and just generally get in my way. Imagine driving in the left lane of the highway only to come across a line of sand trucks... in June. Now you get the level of my frustration.

As an added bonus, I thought since it was so warm on Saturday that it would have been a great idea to wear my Patriots sandals when I went shopping (I had also just finished laundry and was trying to avoid wearing socks). I don't usually wear these things. They're comfortable enough, but they're more 'checking the mail' footwear versus 'walking around outlet stores for an hour' footwear. As a result they aren't very broken in and so I'm now sporting a lovely quartet of blisters on my feet. I will, for the life of me, never understand why girls love wearing sandals so much.

Oh and, as it turns out, the Callaway shop just sells Callaway clothes.

-Far be it from me to try and council the opponent's head coach, but if I'm Orlando and I know that I'm down 3 with under 10 seconds to go and the Celtics having already shown that they will foul instead of allowing the three point attempt, thus turning the game into a free throw shooting contest, why the hell would Dwight Howard (a guy who shoots 55% from the line), even be on the court? It makes no sense. Yes, he made the free-throw, but it speaks to a larger issue of not thinking everything through. Again, just another sign that Orlando isn't ready to make the jump to NBA Title Contender.

-Most of the time the Patriots get things right. The times when I have thought they've screwed up are few and far between. But, re-issuing the #80 to a Alex Smith was a screw up. That number needs to be removed from circulation. No one else is ever going to wear #12, no one else should wear #80.

-Hey, you wanna go to a Red Sox game? I heard about a guy who needs to offload 13 games worth of tickets.

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