Sunday, May 17, 2009

Power-Outage Ramblings

This morning I was awoken by a particularly loud beeping noise coming from the corner of my room. Now, it being Sunday I had not set an alarm, so I was both confused and annoyed at the same time. It was my cable box, unhappy that it was no longer receiving any power, letting me know that it was shutting itself off.

Apparently there was an accident a couple streets over that had taken down a pole and now I was without power for the foreseeable future. I wasn't too bummed, as long as the power was back on by the Celtics game tonight I would be fine (and, as you can see by the fact that I was able to get online and post this, we cleared that by a large margin). So, I spent the next couple of hours wandering my house, waiting for the power to kick back on. I few things occurred to me during that time and I felt like sharing them with you now.
  • When there is no power, it is a great time to get things done. Without the constant voice in the back of my head telling me it's time to check my email again, I got all sorts of tasks done that I would normally put off. I cleaned my golf clubs, emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher and folded some towels. I was very productive.
  • I'm extremely well-trained when it comes to turning off lights when I leave rooms. Even when there was no light on, I still went to turn it off as I moved to another room.
  • I need to go to the library more frequently. I read the latest Golf Digest cover to cover and now not only do I have nothing to read should the power go out again, I've screwed up my bathroom reading until the next issue arrives.
  • It's at times like these when you really notice and appreciate things like natural lighting in your house. The upstairs hallway is quite dark.
  • Those people who voluntarily go on those shows where you live like it's the 1600's again are nuts. Yeah, I was fine for a little while, but I started to miss my iDock after noticing how quiet it was.
  • For a man who can pretty much make his own schedule, I have a lot of clocks in my room. Not counting the cable box I had 3 clocks that I had to reset and it's not that big of a room - you would think I had somewhere to be or a time to be there.

Now, while I obviously prefer having power to, you know... not, it wasn't a bad couple hours. Also, I lucked out that it's kind of cold and crappy today, not one of those August days when it's in the 90's. Me without air conditioning would have been a completely different type of ramblings.

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