Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Colonel

I could not tell you the the last time that this family had KFC. I vaguely remember that we had it once when we were on a camping trip (it was in the RV, if that helps jog the memory). Up until last year there wasn't even one around here and we had no pressing urge to try and seek one out. Once it did open we still went about our lives without the Colonel. However, tonight my dad decided he wanted to try some of that new KFC grilled chicken. My review after the long absence is as follows: eh, it's chicken. Eat carefully and watch out for bones. The instant mash potatoes were gross. The best part of the meal was the corn on the cob on a stick and, of course, the biscuits.

But the thing that blew my mind was the Mega Jug. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing one of these things it's a 1/2 gallon bucket (complete with handle and top to create a smoother pour) that you can fill with whatever soda you wish. There isn't even any ice to lighten the load - this is all soda. I couldn't imagine going through this in one meal, even with 4 people. I had a mostly empty two-liter bottle in the fridge and used the Mega Jug to re-fill it. Good thing that I had one glass from the Jug, otherwise it would have over-flowed the bottle. Even I think this is a lot of soda, and I'm a man who likes his Diet Pepsi.

Whatever, just hearing about KFC makes me think of this.

-Ok, new rule: Varitek catches Beckett from now on. I don't care how much his back or hip is hurting him. With the season slipping away, you can't waste a Beckett start. Now is not the time for the staff ace and a new catcher to be "feeling each other out."

-I need someone to explain to me how a team with a $123 million payroll still has massive holes in it. Seriously, we're pinch-running with pitchers, we have our first baseman playing left field in crucial series and can't have anyone else run for Ortiz in the late innings of a tied game. Not to mention, the bullpen is leaky. This is not a great return on the investment. It just makes me wonder if Theo could still be considered a boy-genius if he had to run the Pirates and their $25 million payroll for a year.

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