Monday, August 3, 2009

Dear Mother Nature,

Hi. Love your work. That thing you did yesterday, right after I mowed the lawn, with the bunnies, squirrels and birds suddenly coming out of the woods? Very dramatic - Walt Disney ain't got shit on you. But, I feel like you and I should clear up a little misunderstanding that's happened between us. A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that it still felt like spring around here and that summer still hadn't hit yet. Temperatures were in the 70's with low humidity and while it rained a lot in June, July had been nice and normal, with rain only a couple days a week. Perhaps it's because you can't get inflection on a blog post, or maybe it's because I'm overly sarcastic, but whatever the reason you thought I was complaining. I wasn't.

My comments about the weather were not meant to spur you on to ratchet up the heat index, making it 85 with 90% humidity and generally feel as though Massachusetts has been placed into a giant sauna. After mowing the lawn yesterday my shirt weighed about 10 pounds and by the time I was on the second tee box this morning I had a small river of sweat going down my back. I have never wanted thunderstorms to roll through as much as I do now, if only for the hope that cooler air will roll in behind them. Really, if we could go back to the part where it was mid 70's with low humidity the whole day, that would be great. Thanks.

-Next summer could someone please remind me when the Pan-Mass Challenge will be taking place? We were trying to bring furniture down to Wareham on Saturday (the last pieces of furniture, or so I am told) and because of all the bikers every route we tried was clogged with cars who were working around detours. 495 had pockets of traffic at almost every exit. When we couldn't take anymore we tried the back roads to Wareham and they were even worse. Honestly, I'll write them a check if they reconfigure a new route for next year's event.

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