Saturday, November 7, 2009

Exact Change and Soccer Beatdowns

One of the things that people always comment on is the fact that the cup holders in my car are filled with loose change. What I typically do is put any change that I get right into the cupholders and it never sees the inside of my pockets. I've had a couple girls point out that it makes any cup put in there pretty unstable, since the cups can't get level with the bottom. I, in response, ask them who told them they could bring a drink into my truck. I like having a lot of change in my car, because I would rather it be there than in my pockets, where it is very likely to fall out. It comes in the most handy whenever you are at any drive-thru. There is a great satisfaction in handing the teller exact change and only having to deal with bills coming back at you. Also, given the people who work in fast food, it's better to not have to make them do math.

-You know, I grew up with older sisters and also have seen footage of what goes down at department store sales, so I've known for a while that the whole "girls are made up of sugar, spice and everything nice" is a load of crap. But, this girl from New Mexico takes it to a whole other level.

I get she was being jostled with and that part of sports is you need to be ready to retaliate when someone messes with you. But if someone is pulling on your shorts, an appropriate level of response would be perhaps a shove, maybe a takedown. It is not pulling her to the ground by her hair. That is taking it up a notch. You have now seen why guys keep their hair short. The fact that this girl never got more than a yellow card just shows that officials in this game were terrible.

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