Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You'd Best Hope I Don't Get Your Name In The Grab

We got yet another catalog yesterday and this gift was on the back cover (Ok, fine. Technically it was a different picture and different catalog because we don't get mailings from Exclusively Weddings, but the sentiment is the same). Due to it's tacky yet awesome nature, which is a staple of the gag gift, I immediately felt the need to share it with you. It raised three points:

1. Are you my friend and thinking of getting engaged? Well, you may want to hold off, unless you want one because I am definitely getting the happy couple one for the next wedding I attend. (Sorry, Liz, you and Simon just missed out. You'll have to settle for the Waterford).

2. If this picture is hanging in your house, there is no way a dog lives there. This has "cat people" practically carved into the frame. Also, I bet in keeping with the beach theme, you have the Jesus "Footprints in the Sand" poster prominently displayed.

3. While I'm 98% sure it's done with a computer program, how fantastic would your life be if your job was to just go to the beach and write people's names in the sand? All you did all day was run, write the names and hurry out of the shot before the waves came. Given the wedding racket I bet you would make pretty good money, too. Clearly, we need bigger waves in Wareham to make this happen.

-Please note the new function on the side in this general area.
That's right, I got a Twitter account so now you can follow me both there and here and really have access to my entire head. It'll be updated a couple times a day, versus the one big update here and also serve as a good way for me to tell if a rambling is worth an entire blog post or just a quick Tweet. The again, I could use it a ton the first two weeks and never again. We'll find out together. Just pray I never get a BlackBerry or I'll end up tweeting every 15 minutes.


Liz said...

Return the Waterford. I want a picture of my name in the sand, Goddamnit.

Kim said...

I stalk your blog via Liz and I think it's funny. If it's okay I'm going to add your blog to my blog roll. Liz said it was okay, but maybe she's trying to sabotage you for not getting her a sand picture. I can't be sure.


Tom said...

Keep in mind a very special Lizmas is coming up. That is all I will say about that.

Add away, I appreciate any readers I can get.