Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Proposal and More Halloween Pictures

After yesterday, I want to float an idea out to the world - let's make Halloween a movable holiday and have it always be on the last Saturday in October. I know that it's supposed to be the day before All Saints' Day on November 1st (there are all the years of Catholic schooling shining through), but Easter is a much bigger deal and that is never on the same date. There are just so many benefits when Halloween falls on the weekend. If you're too old to trick-or-treat, but you don't have any kids you can go out Friday... say, to Salem, Massachusetts where there is still a lot going on, only with half the crowd that is there on Halloween... then spend Saturday watching college football, gorging on Halloween candy once it passes 9 o'clock at night and then you've got Sunday as a day of recovery. If you do have kids you can shuttle them around to whatever relatives want to see them in their costumes during the day, still start trick-or-treating right when it gets dark and get the little ones off the street before the older kids take over. Everything just works out so much better. I like this idea, we need to get the ball rolling on it.

And now, some pictures from Halloween '09...

Not only does Madeline look adorable, but that costume doubles as pajamas.
Stylish, yet practical.

Here's why Abigail should not enter the spy game:
a week before Halloween I asked her what her costume was. Her response?
"It's a secret! It's a secret! ... Snow White."

Charlotte is somewhere under all those frills, I swear.

The Brenizer ladies were matching scary witches,
only Addison stepped it up with the scary nail polish.

Shivaun was supposed to be Flo from the Progressive Insurance ads,
but I think she just really wanted to go as "Amy Waldron's sister."
Also, I think Marshall will be breaking out that Han Solo costume
even when it's not Halloween anymore.

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