Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Pumpkins, '09

I don't know what happened to my family when it comes to Halloween. I don't remember us having very intricately carved pumpkins when I was growing up. But, at some point we stopped being able to just have triangles eyes with a crooked smile and started going online to find challenging patterns. Since we've expanded the family by another niece since last year, we had to expand the number of pumpkins as well (I didn't know that was a rule, but I guess it is). Anyways, with four pumpkins to go around, we went in all different directions.

My mom was in charge of these two and went a traditional route, with a silly and a scary face. If you look closely at the scary face's chin, it is actually a bat. See, it's a very intricate design.

My dad went with Elmo, because he thought the girls would like it.
As you know, the little ones are in charge now.
We've given up fighting that fact.

Now, I've never carved a pumpkin before, but I figured I would give it a shot.
I got into the act with a little design I found online called "Golf Ball to the Eye." You could also call it "Standing Too Close to the Fairway." Given the way I was hitting my drives at the end of the golf season it seems appropriate.

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