Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Movie Snobbery

I'm usually very trusting when my friends give me recommendations. Afterall, these are my friends; we usually have the same taste in areas like music and movies, so why wouldn't I think that their opinion would reflect my own? But, it has come to my attention that one of my friends may be turning into a movie snob and this is beginning to cause some problems. Sure, I've been known to give movies bad reviews among my peers, but they skew more towards the plot or the action. Rarely do I take the time to critique the actors or the dismiss a movie as 'mindless.' I mean, when you get right down to it, mindless is where you will find some of my favorite movies of all time.

This recently came up because of the new X-Men movie, Origins: Wolverine. People who's opinions I have come to trust told me that, even for an superhero movie, it was pretty bad. I had no intentions of seeing it in theatres anyway, so this just sealed the deal completely in my mind. I even avoided seeing it after it came out on DVD. But, as we were updating our BlockBuster movie list I figured what the hell and threw the title on there, not knowing that that would bump it to the top of the list (live and learn). Anyway, it arrived the other day and I watched it yesterday, you know, to celebrate Columbus Day. The point is, it's not bad. You just have to go in knowing what it is, which is a silly superhero movie that is going to rely heavily on CGI and not at all on dialog. When I told my friend that I didn't think it was as bad as his review he began to talk about character development and plot structure. Dude, it's a superhero movie - I wasn't expecting Oscar material. I think I may have lost him to the dark side of movie critics.

-You know what's a terrible muscle to pull? A stomach muscle. I seemed to have aggravated one the other day and today I was stretching for something and it went from annoying to full-on pain. I just don't think you realise how often you use one muscle or another until you hurt one of them. I get a sharp pain every time I cough, sneeze or move too suddenly. This had better clear up by Saturday, I have a feeling the jams are going to be rocking that day.

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