Friday, October 30, 2009

Skating By On Reputation

I don't claim to be a baseball expert. I know that managers have enough to do between filling out a lineup cards and then trying not to fall asleep for the first four innings, which is the earliest they would have to make another decision. But even I knew that pitching Pedro Martinez into the 6th inning last night was a bad idea because I own a simple piece of technology - it's called a calendar. Because of that handy thing I know it's October of 2009, not October of 2003, which was the last time that it was safe to pitch Pedro more than 5 innings against the Yankees. He was barely himself in the 2004 post season (everyone seems willing to forget the awful job he did in relief during Game 7) and after a year in the National League he was a 5 inning guy. I've never understood why baseball managers are so quick to pull a reliever if they walk one guy, but more than willing to sit back and let a starter face 4 batters too many. I think the better move also would have been to hold Pedro back a day and have him pitch in Philadelphia against a National League lineup. Now you could be looking at him pitching a do-or-die Game 6 back in New York.

-Speaking of a guy that is killing his reputation: if it makes you feel any better, David Spade, we're all regretting that commercial right along with you. Really man, you've been on like 10 televisions show and a couple dozen movies (and 3 of them were actually not bad) - do you need the money or something? Also, DirecTV, would you stop doing commercials that include dead people? Between this and the Poltergeist spoof I feel like you're pushing your luck. There are lots of perfectly fine movies where the cast has survived that you could re-create instead.

-So, I was checking out the photos of Liz and Simon's wedding online and of the 400+ pictures taken, I only appear in 3. Nice. As you know, I don't like having my picture taken, but at a wedding there are so many cameras that you just can't help it. Somehow I managed to appear in less than 1% - my picture avoidance kung-fu is strong.

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