Tuesday, October 27, 2009

World Series Ramblings

As you guys probably know, I don't really consider myself a hardcore Red Sox fan. I want to see them win and win often and I follow the team more than other people simply because I'm a single 29 year-old man from Boston with nothing much else to do during the summer, but my happiness does not hinge on their success like it does for the hardest of the hardcore. When they lost to the Angels I simply took it as a sign that they were not very good this year and geared up for Celtics' training camp (more on that tomorrow). At no point did I let it ruin my week or walk around bitching about the job the front office did putting the team together (though, I hope Theo has learned aged stars in the National League are not going to resurrect their careers in the American League). I was rather indifferent about the whole thing.

I also do not consider myself hardcore because I'm not that into baseball in general. I'll watch any two teams play basketball or football, but when it comes to baseball, if it's not one of three teams (the Red Sox, the Nationals or the Mariners) then I am not watching the game. It is my apathy towards baseball that separates me further from the rest of Red Sox Nation. Many of them have the attitude that, "if the Sox don't win but the Yankees don't win either, then that's just as good." I, on the other hand have the attitude that if the Sox aren't in the World Series, then you may as well cancel it because I don't care one way or another. I don't care if the Phillies or the Yankees win (my prediction, however, is Yankees in 6), but I just wish they would stop shoving Joe Buck down my throat, put the games on ESPN and give me something else to watch for the next couple of weeks.

You see, this is when the Fox network drives me crazy. They preempt shows for weeks at a time for the baseball playoffs, only for those shows to come back for a week... and then go on hiatus for the holidays. There are something like 15 Fox channels, do you mean to tell me you can't move new programming to one of those? In addition, this week every other station is showing re-runs, I can only assume because they don't want to conflict with the World Series. The end result is a pretty barren landscape for entertainment. Thank God the Celtics are starting to play games that count this week.

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