Monday, October 19, 2009

5 Things I Learned at Liz and Simon's Wedding

1. People never assume the Priest is joking. There was a heat issue at the church (which is to say there wasn't much of it). Father Ronan tried to play it off, joking that it was Simon's idea, as a way of making him feel as if he was still in Ireland. Ok, so it wasn't Conan O'Brien funny, but not a bad effort. Still, during the reception I must have heard 10 people asking, "Why would Simon want the church so cold?"

2. Finding out your football team lost a big game is a lot easier when there is an open bar. Damn USC. At least Notre Dame managed to keep it close and had a chance to win. After last season's game that is a marked improvement.

3. Neil Patrick Harris lied to me. Seriously, I 'suited up' to go to the bars after the reception and I got no special attention from the ladies. Now, it could be because some of the people in my group went a step further and 'tuxed up,' thereby contaminating the sample area. We'll never know. I will say this about wearing suits though:

3a. Everyday events look much more dramatic in a suit. Even if it's just running to catch a train. I think it has to do with the tie flapping in the breeze. People see a guy running down the street at night while wearing a suit and they start looking to see who he's chasing or who he's running from. (By the way, big thanks to the doormen at Mr. Dooley's for putting me on the right route to South Station. I was fully prepared to head the wrong way. Apparently, my sense of direction is not as sharp as I think it is.) Though, that does remind me...

4. The trains stop running way too early in Boston. Ok, so I knew this one already, but it was just reinforced. I wasn't nearly ready to go home. But at least the McDonald's would have been open had I budgeted more time for a pit-stop. Mmmmm, drunken McNuggets...

5. I'm a terrible photographer. I took about 50 pictures, most of which were either too dark or out of focus. I blame the camera. Here's the one good picture I got and it's doesn't even have anyone looking in my direction. It's a good thing the professionals will be posting the ones they took online.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Yay, Tommy! We had fun catching up with you at the wedding. See you at the next one.