Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I Learned Today

I think that there are life lessons all around us, we just have to take the information and put it to good use. For example, here are 5 things I learned just today as we went down to close up the beach house for the winter:

-If you feel compelled to have personalized license plates that read "WE ROCK" just know, to the rest of us, it is proof that that is exactly what you do not do.

-Some things in life are just fun to see and when you pass them you just have to yell out their presence. For example, every time I drive next to this farm in Natick I feel compelled to point out the llamas. Well, you can add blimps to that list. Blimps are fun to look at, even when they're just park at an airport. (By the way, Snoopy 1 is not nearly as big as it looks on TV.)

-You can't put a price on making something someone else's problem. Every fall we pay a plumber to blow out the pipes to prevent any water left in the pipes from freezing during the winter. Should any problems arise next spring we just call them and they come out and take care of them for free. So far we've never encountered any issues, but just knowing that next spring I won't be under the house soldering pipes with a blowtorch is wonderful peace of mind. It is easily the best money we spend down the Cape.

-If you go to a Lowe's at mid-day on a Wednesday, do not expect the 'A' team to be on duty. Really, I think they're just happy to find people willing to work this shift. In this regard, Lowe's is exactly like a strip club.

-Because of the lackluster people working in the gutter section we bought the wrong thing. It is because we bought the wrong thing that I can say with confidence that no square measuring 2.5" x 3.5" will ever, ever fit into a hole measuring 2" x 3". You can try to bend or shape it anyway you want, it is just not happening.

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