Friday, October 2, 2009

Five For Friday

Just some quick thoughts to get us all to the weekend...

-I'm not that bummed about the city of Chicago not getting the Olympics. While it would have been nice for the U.S. to have a large public works project which would have spurred on the economy, I think we need to focus on something that will have a more immediate impact, not 7 years in the future. Not to mention we had an Olympics a couple years ago, while the entire continent of South America has never hosted one ever. They should be spreading the wealth. Lastly, I love the song "Rio" by Duran Duran (very weird video, though). When you factor all that in, the city of Chicago was fighting a losing battle.

-When I worked for Reebok I used to get free sneakers all the time because I was an employee. According to Mike Vick's people that means that Reebok and I had an endorsement deal. If you stop and consider these people are his financial advisers, losing $100 million doesn't seem too implausible.

-Last night I got into bed and didn't fall asleep immediately, which meant that my brain shifted into overdrive. By the time it was 1 AM, I had fully convinced myself that I should sign up for Facebook. (See, this is what happens when I am left to my own devices.) Also, the fact that I came to this conclusion means that Facebook is no longer cool.

-While trying to convince the baseball world that you are not a cheater, Bronson Arroyo, it would help if you hadn't already admitted that you are probably on the list of people who failed steroids tests back in 2003 and that to this day you're taking supplements that are not approved by MLB. When you're willing to inject yourself with unknown chemicals, putting pine tar on a baseball doesn't seem very far-fetched.

-Sometimes if you haven't seen a movie in a while you can forget just how fantastic it is. Showtime has been running The Usual Suspects this week and I had forgotten just how great it was. Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne and even Stephen Baldwin at their very best. I admit when I first saw it at 16 I probably didn't get the whole movie as well as I do now. If you haven't seen it in a while you should give it a second look - every screening you see something different.

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