Saturday, October 10, 2009

Stupid Baseball

Last night was a real reminder of why I ignore baseball once football, basketball, golf or anything else becomes available. If you've ever wondered why baseball has been lapped by football as America's real past time, it's because you can count on football to fix something when it has a problem. They saw the need to expand replay and it was done before the start of the next season (for all the crap I give the NHL they do it the best. They'll change the rules mid-week if they feel they need to). Baseball, on the other hand, is so determined to not change anything that might piss off the old-timers that they run the risk of losing this generation as fans. How can you add two umpires, one of whom is 20 feet from where a ball bounces a full foot in fair territory, yet they still mess it up and call it as a foul ball. Then, there is no replay to correct it and everyone just accepts it as part of the game. Baseball should be embarrassed today.

They should also be embarrassed by whomever is doing their scheduling. I know they want to avoid going head-to-head with college football, but they should have thought this out. It's not like they did the scheduling two weeks ago: they schedule the times a couple days in advance. If they had looked at the docket of games today they would have seen that the slate of college football is extremely weak this afternoon - baseball would crush any of the games on today. Instead, they're waiting until later this evening and now have to go against the only good college game on the docket, LSU vs Florida. Well done.

-While I was waiting for the Sox game to start (a lot of my anger at baseball can directly be traced to the fact that the Red Sox are barely putting up a fight this post season), I watched the Celtics' preseason game versus the Knicks, which I was infinitely more interest in. A couple quick thoughts before I end this post:
  • I don't care if it is just the preseason, it's still great to beat the Knicks whenever you have the chance.
  • Tony Allen should be leasing, not buying. He actually looks like he's regressed from last year. And that's saying something considering last year his nickname was "the human white flag."
  • Good luck enforcing that 'no-standing for extended periods' rule with this Celtics team. They were jumping up and down in the fourth quarter as if it was the NBA Finals. Great sign for team chemistry.

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