Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Think We Just Made Them Mad

On the strength of some tremendous work in getting us a lawn that would survive the summer, my parents decided to see what the landscaper had for ideas for the front of the house. Basically the shrubs on both sides of the front walkway have never come in all that well and so my dad wanted to try some new plants out front. So, my mom and the landscaper took some time to look around and pick out new types of scrubs that will try and survive the winter a little bit better. However, before the new plants could get put in they had to take out the old ones. So, the other morning a crew showed up ready to dig out the old shrubs, but they encountered a problem: bees.

Under one of the plants out front (ironically, the only plant that was not only growing, but thriving), some bees have a hive dug into the ground. First off, I never knew that bees would even have their hives under the ground. The landscapers sprayed the hive and came back a couple days later, only to find the bees are still hanging around. And while a couple days ago we never the bees were there, now I can't go to the check the mail without a few of them popping out of the ground. This is just awesome, given how much I like bees. At this point I think we're just hoping for a really cold night and we'll let Mother Nature wipe the damn things out.

-While I like what the NFL did with having players wear pink this week (honestly, without it I probably wouldn't have known it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month) it did bring one thing to my attention. I used to think that pink was a lot like khaki, which is to say that it goes with every other color. But, after seeing the Patriots try to add some pink to their typical red, white and dark blue I see that it's not the case at all. I think the Vikings and their primary color of purple seemed to mix in the pink best. It was like Easter.

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