Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Love This Part

The perk of having about 40 movie channels is that they don't just show the newest of the new stuff on 4 hour loops; they will show some older movies that have stood the test of time and are accepted as pretty good (they also show lots of bad movies - ones which I don't know why they ever see the light of day, but that is another post for another day). Re-watchability is a big factor with me. Re-watchability leads to being able to jump into good movies whenever they are on and staying until the end (Shawshank Redemption and Jaws are two of the best examples of movies that will bring my current activities to a screeching halt).

But, then there is the other type of movie - the ones where you just want to watch until a certain moment and then you can turn the channel and go about your day. Sports movies often fall into this category, because all you really need to see is the climactic game. But, there are lots of other movies like this from different genres, where I just need to see one scene and then we can go. For example, the other night Point Break was on, which I have discussed in this space before. Normally I can do without the first hour and half but I caught it perfectly, only seeing the last 10 minutes, which includes the classic 'jump out of a plane without a parachute' scene. Here are ten more that spring to mind:
  • Ronin. A very good movie that you should see at least once. But, after that you are good to go - further viewings aren't really necessary. However, the car chase in Nice is awesome and I have to watch this movie when I know it's coming up.
  • Across The Universe. I will either checkout after "Come Together" or try to just catch "All You Need Is Love." I can take or leave the songs in the middle.
  • Master and Commander. I only need to see the opening battle. After that you can have the remote back.
  • Knocked Up. Just until the moment when Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan are stoned in Vegas discussing chairs. "The big one is staring at me and that short one is being very droll."
  • Tombstone. I love this movie. But, I own it on DVD so if we're pressed for time I don't have to watch the whole thing... simply the last shootout between Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo.
  • Rocky IV. This movie only needed to be 20 minutes long from start to finish. Just show me from when Rocky lands in Russia to the national anthems before the big fight.
  • A Few Good Men. Honestly, how can you change the channel when you know the final court room scene is moments away?
  • Superman Returns. Not classic cinema by any stretch, but I think the scene when Superman catches the plane as it falls back to Earth is visually very impressive.
  • Zoolander. "Why male models?" "Are you serious? I just explained the whole thing to you."
  • Rudy. Normally I demand a full viewing, but, if you catch me anytime before the team starts turning in their jerseys you can pry me away. If I hear "I want Rudy to dress in my place" well, then you'd better make a later reservation.

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