Sunday, December 20, 2009

You Can't Deny Our Combined Power

I've talked before about the fact that everyone feels the need to tell me their life story. Something about me makes people assume I want to know every detail of their life. I find it really comes out at the holidays, because I'm in more stores and see more people. Now, I am not the only person in my family to have this power - in fact, it is family-wide. The problems really start to arise when I'm out in public with either of my sisters. When that happens I'm surprised that people don't just break out slide shows of their families, just so we can have faces to go with the names. It's really amazing how it always happens. So, in all honesty, I should not have been surprised with what happened the other day when I was out with my sister, Amy.

We were in Casual Male XL, making good use of the discount I still get from fit modeling for them a couple times. The guy in front of us answered his phone, talked for a minute, then turned around and launched into telling us how his 4-year-old daughter runs his life, he never thought he would get married or have kids, but then he met his wife, whom he had "hook up with" briefly 20 years prior when they both were in college (him at BC, her at Northeastern), then they reconnected and dated for 6 years before she began to talk about marriage and now they have the one daughter and believe me, they're done with the one. I mean, he loves his daughter and he always thought about having a son, but his wife doesn't want any more kids. All the while Amy and I are just standing there, trying to pay so we can leave. Really, I just wanted to save 30% on a shirt, I didn't need to know all this.

-The only other thing guaranteed with me, other than someone telling me their life story, is that while I am out shopping at Christmas, someone will ask me to get them an item off the top shelf. It will happen every time, without fail. Now, I'm happy to do it, but there is a line. Yesterday as I was attempting to get my Christmas shopping done when a lady asked me to get her a toy off the top shelf. I got it down, but she wanted a different one, because that box had a slight dent. I must have taken down 4 of these things before it dawned on this lady that I didn't work there and really, stop being so damn picky.

-You ever have the experience when you are holiday shopping of bring up an item to the register and it rings up way cheaper than you were expecting? Yesterday I was buying a couple things and one item rang up so cheap that when the cashier told me my total I thought he missed scanning it in. Suddenly you're in a moral dilemma; you wouldn't want to take advantage of the kid because he could get into trouble. On the other hand, it's not like my contribution is going to make that big a difference in Target's profits this season. Still, I'm a dork, so I made sure he had scanned it in at the right price. Apparently it was just on super-sale. At least now I can rest easy knowing that I'm not giving someone a 'hot' gift this Christmas.

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