Friday, December 11, 2009

The Sum Of The Sports Quickie Parts

Again, none of these are good enough to get their own post, but clump 'em together and it looks a little better...

-Something tells me this latest recruiting scandal involving Tennessee and a group of 'hostesses' known as Orange Pride will be treated around the SEC (and, really, all of college football) in the same manner as SpyGate was handled by the rest of the teams in the NFL. Everyone does it, only one team got caught doing it. So yes, you'll hear head coaches and administrators publicly come out and say that they would never, ever condone such practices at their school, but the fervor will be kept down because the last thing any of these people want to do is lean too far into the self-righteous light of things. It's when you have the prime soundbite on SportsCenter that people who are in the know will start creeping out of the woodwork and pointing that spotlight right back at those school who act above this sort of thing. It's always the righteous who end up falling next.

-Adalius Thomas needs to be quiet. He's probably correct when he said that sending a guy home for being late is something that should stop being done after grade school, but Thomas hasn't done nearly enough in his time in New England to assume he can tell Belichick anything. Right now he looks to be about the worst free-agent signing of Bill's tenure here and the main reason the Patriots defense is struggling. So, if he's expecting the fans to rally behind him and against Belichick he is going to be sorely mistaken.

-So, Brian Kelly, congrats on getting the Notre Dame head coaching gig. Now, given the talent you are being left on offense, I don't think 8 wins is out of the question next season. Also, that should mean BCS Bowl by year 3. Welcome to the world of ridiculous expectations.

-I'm a little sad to see Mike Lowell get traded away, especially when the Sox get almost nothing back in return (oh good, another guy who catches and plays first, which means he doesn't do either well enough to be exclusive to one position... we only have 3 more guy like that). The Lowell contract on the heels of his World Series MVP was probably based more on fan reaction than what made sense for the team long-term so you can bet Theo won't ever fall for that one again. However, if they can pry Adrian Gonzalez away from the Padres then this makes much more sense. Still, Lowell should get a healthy applause when he returns with the Rangers.

-Tracy McGrady is currently receiving enough fan votes that he could start for the Western Conference All-Star team this February. For those of you who may not follow basketball, I feel compelled to point out that Tracy has yet to play a game this season. This is, of course, China's fault. They love Yao Ming and thus vote for any Rocket on the ballot. Just proves why fan voting should not be a determining factor for the All-Star game.

-Barry Bonds' agent is saying that after not playing baseball since 2007, it looks like Barry has retired. Since today is apparently "State Things We Already Know" Day, I would like you all to know that I, after not using one since 1999, I officially retire from the world of hackey-sack.

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