Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Great Internal Debate Rages On

For some reason, I never have any good ideas or energy for what to do with my Saturdays until 10 o'clock on Friday nights. I've had all week to get some of this stuff done, but it's not until late in the evening when I get the urge to start. It couldn't even happen on a Thursday, when I could at least take a day and do some planning. I'll think of all sorts of grand ideas and projects around the house and then want to do them all, so I'll set an alarm and plan to wake up and attack the day with vigor. Instead, the next morning usually goes a little something like this:

(As the alarm goes off at 8 AM)
One Side of my Brain: Alright, time to get up. Today we're going to make ourselves some bull's eyes for breakfast, clear all the branches that fell during the high winds the other night, take a shower, go to Marshall's to see if that golf bag we liked last week but talked ourselves out of is still there, put some gas in the truck, get a haircut, wash and wax the truck, go hit a bucket of balls, clean our golf clubs, maybe strip the wallpaper in the bathroom and we're going to do it all before the Sox game tonight.
Other Side of my Brain: Sounds very productive. But, since it's Saturday, let me offer this: we could could do all that stuff you said... OR... we could roll over, turn off the alarm, sleep for two more hours and just get to whatever it is we get to.

Damn, that is a compelling counter-argument.
I'll leave you to guess for yourself how much of that list I got done today.

-I must say, well done, sir. That girl is a keeper. You were smart to lock her up. Especially when you consider what other brides have made their husbands-to-be do this week.

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