Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's Probably Best to Avoid Armageddon Then

Last night I was watching the Discovery Channel as they began a new series called The Colony. The basic premise is that following a simulated disaster (you can use your imagination to decide for yourself what ended life as we know it: nuclear war, climate change, bio-chemical attacks - it's Discovery's way of letting you play along at home), they have taken a group of 10 people from various walks of life, shut them off from the rest of the world and they have to now fend for themselves in this post-apocalyptic world. They're essentially locked in an old warehouse and now are responsible for finding food, water and anything else they might need for the next ten weeks. All the while, groups of "marauders" are going to randomly attack them, trying to break in to steal or destroy what this group has created. Basically this show is a cross between Survivor, I Am Legend and Mad Max.

Now, I do have a problem with the "all walks of life" claim, because it's not very accurate. Yes, there are old and young, male and female, as well as a few races represented. But, the group features a doctor, a trauma nurse, two electrical engineers, a rocket scientist and a couple of construction workers. It is not really a group that you would readily find hanging out together. The closest thing they have to a person with a "normal job" is a personal trainer, who could still come in handy because you never know; six-pack abs might still be a high priority after the rest of the society disappears. The other thing that bothered me about the show was that, of course, this particular warehouse is full of helpful tools and scraps. It's just too convenient. But, I can see why the producers were trying to move things along and other than those two minor issues, I found this premise to be really interesting.

My main feeling while watching this little experiment was "Wow, I would be screwed on this show." I don't know how to make a natural filter for water or build a working generator. This is the problem with living in a "blue state." I don't fish or hunt and even when I go camping ("Oh look, this campsite offers free wi-fi!"), I bring a two-room tent so people aren't bringing dirt into where I'm going to be sleeping. I just have a gut feeling that pithy comebacks or well-structured sentences will not be in high demand once the world is destroyed.


Liz said...

The premise intrigued me, except then when I read they had to fend for themselves, I didn't care for it anymore. I also thought it might be better if The Colony was on the moon and they asked for volunteers to live there. I'd volunteer.

Wait, is this a legitimate reality show?

Tom said...

I don't think of it as reality show, because there is no prize at the end, just survival. According to the Emmy's, you would categorize it as a "non-fiction" show, in the same vein as Deadliest Catch.

Your show, however would be awesome and while I have no desire to go to the moon, I would totally watch as you took the place over in a matter of hours.