Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

This post was originally going to be about the best music to choreograph fireworks to. Then I remembered that I don't really care for fireworks and also, nothing beats the 1812 Overture. So instead you get a story.

Behind my house are about 40 yards of woods. After that is another 50 yards of field before you get to our neighbor's house. The guy who lives through the woods behind us used to always have a huge 4th of July party for his employees. Other than the occasional person heading in the wrong direction, it was no big deal to us. But, one 4th of July, about 15 years ago as we came home from a barbecue and I remember hearing people in the woods behind our house, rather late at night. We thought maybe the party had gone long and people were still milling around back there... only to discover that they were firefighters. Apparently someone had shot fireworks into the woods and fire had burned down a section about 50 feet wide where the woods met the field.

Moral of the story: enjoy a hot dog or a hamburger, play some ladderball, but leave the fireworks to the professionals.

Hope everyone out there has a safe and happy 4th of July. As a man who enjoys a good rendition of the national anthem, here's one of the better ones ever... you know, before Whitney went nuts.

Now, excuse me while I try not to gag watching the hot dog eating contest...

P.S. Welcome to the country, Jason Bay! One more person eligible for jury duty!!

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