Monday, July 13, 2009

Sudden Swearing...

I figure since I'm almost 30, I'm allowed to swear. And in my everyday life, I curse a lot. Maybe you can't tell because I think typing out swears is a waste of time, so they often don't come through on here unless I'm particularly fired up about something. At my last job everyone swore all the time, to the point you got into the habit of it and almost didn't notice until you were out at a social setting and realised that not everyone is comfortable with such language when at a Christening. But now this family has two small children running around and they have fully entered the parrot stage, which is to say they repeat back whatever you say to them. As a result, I've toned it down a lot over the last few months.

I've had to come up with some stand-ins for my typical swears and so long as I'm not on a golf course, I've gotten much better. The other day I even went so far as to correct a friend who was talking loudly and swearing when we were at a restaurant with kids nearby. It's almost like I've become an adult or something. The byproduct of this is that it's starting to catch me off guard when other people swear. As if my watching my language should have led to a global mandate or something (I guess in my head I'm quite the trendsetter).

The other day I was watching a video about a tool used to sharpen the grooves on a golf club (cause clearly, my grooves not being deep enough is my problem). The video was being done by an older, distinguished-looking man with a British accent. He's going on about proper angles, keeping your clubs legal with the depth of the grooves and making sure they stay clean when he casually mentions, "You just need to really get into the grooves. Make sure to get all that shit out of there." It threw me for a minute. Afterall, I was watching essentially an infomercial. Of course, I then rewound the video to makes sure I had heard it correctly (which I had) and started cracking up. So, in conclusion, the less you swear, the funnier it is when someone else does it.

-For the past week, I've heard all these women on TV and radio cackle about how the tragic Steve McNair situation should serve as a reminder to married men. They all thought that this would be just like Fatal Attraction; a cautionary tale meant to scare men into keeping it in their pants. While that may be the case for some, the Arturo Gatti story also points out that it doesn't matter if she's a wife or a mistress, sometimes the bitch is just crazy.

1 comment:

Liz said...

These fuckers in Ireland and the UK swear like nobody's business. And on TV too. I fucking love it.