Monday, September 7, 2009

A Commercial Appeal

I understand that commercials, like traffic lights, are a necessary evil in everyday life. Other than the Super Bowl, commercials are just in the way. But, if commercials weren't around then there would be no way for TV networks to make money and shows that I enjoy would never make it to the airways. So, I am willing to put up with the annoyance of commercials. However, there is no need for me to see the same commercial 30 times in an hour long broadcast. These companies must have more commercials in the archives that they could break out. If a company is willing to spend all this money to broadcast this many times then they should also spend some extra money to make sure that I don't have to see one commercial over and over again. What ends up happening when I see a commercial that many times is it makes me want to not buy what they're selling. I figure that if I don't buy this product, the company will make less money, they will not be able to afford air time and I'll never have to see that stupid commercial ever again. Clearly, it backfires.

The only thing worse than seeing the same commercial over and over again is when I have to repeatedly see a commercial for a product that is not readily available. For the last couple of days I have seen the same promotion for Chick-Fil-A dozens of times. The gist of it is this: go into a Chick-Fil-A on Labor Day wearing the logo of your favorite team and get a free chicken sandwich. Awesome. I like chicken sandwiches and I have dozens upon dozens of shirts with team logos on them. There is only one problem - there isn't a Chick-Fil-A in this area. In fact, there isn't even one on the south shore. I know there is one in Nashua, but I'm not about to spend the gas money just to drive up to New Hampshire to get a sandwich that normally costs a dollar.

So, here's what I would like the inventors of the world to work on: some sort of program that weeds out ads for stores or restaurants that aren't within a 25 mile radius of the viewer's home. This would be a great way to cut down on wasted air time appealing to consumers that aren't going to take part in your services. TV stations could charge more for advertising with this specific focus and people wouldn't be annoyed with ads for restaurants they can't possibly go to. Everybody wins. For me it would cut out Buffalo Wild Wings, Papa Johns, Golden Corral, Red Lobster, Sonic and Pizza Hut (at least for delivery). With as much sports as I watch, taking those out has got to be a couple hours worth of commercials that could be replaced with ones for places I may actually go to. Think of it as my own version of a stimulus package. You're welcome, TV executives.

1 comment:

Liz said...

There is a Chick-Fil-A at the Burlington Mall. I intend to go there sometime soon.