Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Just Not Happening

I don't know why, but I just can't get into tennis. You would think that I would be excited to follow it because it's fairly straightforward, doesn't feature a lot of quirky or hard rules and the scoring means that a winner will clearly be found - there will be no need for judges to make the final call. Also, should it go to extra time it is set up to ensure things won't go to the most obscure part of the game to find a way to break a tie (hello, penalty kicks). It's even got some hot girls (emphasis on some). It's got everything I usually look for in the sports that I follow. But, I just can't get into it. If you walk into a room and I'm watching tennis then clearly there is either nothing else on or I'm in the middle of changing the remote's batteries.

However, I'm trying to increase my interest level, if for no other reason than the U.S. Open. It's getting too much coverage for me to ignore it anymore. It's always on one channel or another and Direct TV has a channel that has multiple matches on one screen. Clearly, there is an audience for this. I mean, just look at the stadium this thing takes place in and that's just the centerpiece of a massive complex. People must still play tennis somewhere. I feel, like boxing and horseracing, tennis is one of those sports that people used to be into back when it was a sign of wealth, back before we invented better stuff to play. Now I would only think that kids are into tennis if you come from a family of people that play tennis. It doesn't strike me as a sport you pick up on your own.

Kids certainly aren't following the sport because of its dynamic stars. I doubt that many of them grow up with Roger Federer pictures plastered on their wall. Most of these guys are boring as all hell. Here's how I know that tennis has gone stagnant: the most recognizable star in the sport right now is still John MacEnroe - a guy that retired in 1992. What was John best known for? Being a whiny brat who complained about everything and threw a hissy fit if the referee didn't agree with him. And this was the guy they built the sport around. You know what... nevermind, I just figured out why I never got into tennis.

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