Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Can't Fight Sesame Street

-The Atlanta Dream is a WNBA team that has been existence since 2008. They were actually able to build a successful team rather quickly and made the playoffs this season. It was a big deal, at least as much as an expansion WNBA team can be a big deal. There was only one problem: the day the home playoff game was scheduled is also the day that the arena is booked for Sesame Street to be in town. Now, as you can imagine it would seem like a fairly simple thing to fix - just move Sesame Street as it is the more fluid situation. The only thing is that Sesame Street bends for no team and they have since decided to move the Atlanta Dream's playoff game to a different arena about 25 miles away. Elmo wins yet again. Moral of the story is don't cross the 'Street', cause you'll lose.

-You know what is weird to me? The fact that the entire region was so excited the Patriots were switching back to the old 'Pat Patriot' logo for last night's game. People were gushing about how great the uniforms looked and how nice it was to relive the team's history. And yes, the old-school uniforms looked great, but I don't get the nostalgia - it's not like we're flashing back through a great history. The Boston Patriots were a terribly run organization and a bad football team. Outside of the occasion shocking playoff run, the Patriots were a pretty bad team that didn't have much to show for their first 40 years of existence. If we wanted to flash back to the "golden years" then the team would just keep wearing the normal uniforms. I mean, look at the Top 50 Patriots of All-Time. Most of the team is from this decade and Rodney Harrison wasn't even here that long.

-You know, everyone remembers Patrick Swayze for Dirty Dancing, but he also put out some sweet action movies. Red Dawn, Point Break, The Outsiders and let's not forget the best of them all, Road House. So, in honor of Mr. Swayze let's just all remember that we should be nice... until it's time to not be nice.

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