Wednesday, September 23, 2009

National Checkers Day

Apparently today is National Checkers Day, which means you should track down a board and play a game or two... or 3 in my case, because that's how many I needed until I beat the computer. I claim that the first game should not count on my permanent record, because I hadn't played in years and forgot that you have to jump if the opportunity presents itself. Personally, I don't know why checkers gets a day and yet Battleship, clearly a superior game, doesn't. In fact, I can think of 5 other games that should have their own day over checkers, and here they are:

  1. Monopoly: I hate Monopoly. It's a stupid game and it takes forever to play. There is no such thing as a quick game of Monopoly. And at the end of the day the game is about paying taxes, which is not fun. But, still it's an iconic game. Hell, there is even talk of a movie based on the game (prediction: that movie will suck). I guess it's own day wouldn't be out of the question.

  2. Hungry, Hungry Hippos: Even though it is really too easy to cheat (just put the slightest amount of weight on your side of the board and all the marbles roll towards you), it's still a great game. It's quick and easy to play, and you can play it no matter your age or skill level. Plus, it's about multi-colored hippos eating marbles. That alone makes it a game that should have it's own day.

  3. Clue: Another game that is an icon - I mean, who hasn't made some variation on the premise of 'in the ballroom with the candlestick'? Besides, this game was already made into a very good movie, complete with three endings about who could have killed Mr. Body.

  4. Connect Four: This games makes the list because the title is also the objective, making it have the smallest rulebook ever. If you don't think that's important, clearly you have never tried to play a board game with me.

  5. Candyland: It has stood the test of time as an early game that everyone gets as a kid. I admit, I haven't played in years, but I think that just adds to the legend. If I couldn't tell you the last time I played and I think it belongs on this list, what does that say about the game's legacy?
So, while I was looking these up I found out that there is already a Play Scrabble Day (April 13th) and a National Chess Day (October 9th). There were also some tough omissions, like Mousetrap, Risk and Crossfire, because I don't know if enough people played them. Another strike against Mousetrap was that it took forever to set-up (God forbid someone hit the board with their arm or else you had to start over again) and was penalized. Plus, the stupid cage never fell properly. Still, at least it featured a man you had to catapult into a swimming pool, which is something checkers never could compete with.

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