Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West and the Sunday Ticket

Even back before I got to old for MTV (which was around age 24) I would never watch the award shows they would put on. I just thought there was something too self-serving about making this huge deal over an award that some TV executive made up one weekend in the Hamptons (this is also the reason I typically don't watch the ESPYs). Besides that, there are already too many award shows on the air today. Do we really need something to go along with the Grammys, People's Choice, Oscars, Golden Globes and Emmys? To make this a sports analogy (cause those are what I'm good at) the reason the Super Bowl does so well is because it's the only one, versus the countless college football bowl games that turn out to mean nothing in the long run. We should get together as a society and demand that they only have one awards ceremony per entertainment genre. Honestly, I think even the stars would thank us. Do you ever look into the crowds at these things? Most would much rather be home watching TV than getting dressed up for the chance to not win an award.

Anyways, it is because of my dislike of award shows that I wasn't watching MTV last night and missed Kanye West getting pissed off that Taylor Swift won a made-up award instead of Beyonce, jumping onstage and stealing the mike out of her hands. But, like the rest of America I've seen the clips online and read Kanye's statement, so I feel secure enough in my position to say I've finally figured out who Kanye West is: he's that girl who gets drunk every weekend, says horrible things to and about her friends, calls the next day to "apologize" saying that it doesn't really mean anything because she was drunk, but then does the whole thing over again the following Friday. He'll keep doing it until enough people stop enabling him. In college, we would just make up excuses not to go out with drunky and would very quietly make alternate plans with the threat that anyone who told drunky of our true intentions would be left out next time we made plans. With Kanye I think people just need to stop inviting him to award shows. Maybe if he's home alone for a couple weeks he'll catch on that people don't like the drunk girl.

-I don't want to get NFL's Sunday Ticket. I feel it would be a huge hassle to get a dish installed, get it all set up and then make then transition to learn my channel positions all over again. All of that just so 17 weeks a year I can control what NFL games I see when the Patriots are not on. It would be a terrible inconvenience for not that much reward. However, who ever is picking games each week for my cable network is really trying to force me that way. Yesterday, I was treated to Vikings/Browns (which was only slightly interesting to me because I got to see Brady Quinn start) and Texans/Jets. Both games turned out to be damn near un-watchable by the second half. That was followed by Giants/Redskins because for some reason Fox seems to think we here in Boston care about the Giants. Yes, 65 years ago when the Patriots didn't exist the Giants were the only team around. But, things have changed since then. It used to be that I didn't give a crap about the NFC East. But, by shoving the Redskins, Giants, Cowboys and Eagles down my throat each week I've switched from not caring to openly loathing the NFC East. As is, I barely care about the AFC East. I would rather watch two good teams play than two bad teams from the same division as my favorite team. I swear to God, when I used the guide forward to next week and saw that we were getting Tampa Bay at Buffalo instead of Baltimore at San Diego I almost called Direct TV right then.

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