Friday, April 10, 2009

Age-Appropriate Actions

So last night we had the Brenizer ladies over for dinner. Charlotte was her usual drooly, giggling self, but Addison was just not happy to be there. She didn't want to be in her high chair, didn't want to eat and would rather have run in circles around the table or "wash sha show" (that's her way of telling us turn on Sesame Street). Despite my father and I trying to get her to tell us what we could do to fix it, she just wasn't having it. When I asked Shivaun what was wrong, she just shrugged and said "Eh, she's two."

This got us to talking about how you can get away with a lot of things just by being a certain age. Actions are almost expected of people who are in specific age groups. A few examples:
"Dave shows up to work hung-over every day." What can you expect, he's 21.
"I think Mike fell asleep in that meeting." Hey, give him a break, he's 65.
"That guy is really, really racist." Yeah, but he's 90 so he's set in his ways.

I'm not saying that it's right to get away with bad behavior because it's almost expected of you, but it's amusing that something that could get you fired at 25 is deemed ok just four years earlier. So, the moral of this story is: act your age... you can get away with it.

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