Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sign Holding: Take 2

The town election that my aunt is in takes place on Monday. So yesterday we were back down in the center of town, holding signs and trying to get her name out there even more.

With my time as a sign holder last week under my belt, I was a grizzled veteran this week. I quickly assumed my same spot on the island in the center of the town and resumed my sign-spinning ways. I even remembered to bring my sunglasses for the day, even though it was pretty overcast and we had some spotty rain during the day. Fortunately there was no funeral this week, so we got the full two hours of sign holding in.

It was interesting because apparently my aunt is trying for one of only two spots that have multiple people running; the majority of the ballot will feature positions that are unopposed. As a result, other than the "Yes for Schools" people (and there were a lot less of them this week), the only people holding signs were for the two candidates running for housing authority. It was a good amount of people out there campaigning for one spot. I'm willing to bet that the woman who currently holds the position didn't have to go through all of this to get on the housing authority in the first place.

Couldn't tell you why, but the two hours seemed to pass a lot quicker than last week. Maybe it was because I had the entertainment of watching my mom fight with her sign in the wind or because my mind was trying to figure out why one guy was out there in a suit coat (a little formal considering the circumstances). Either way I just hope that all the sign holding did my aunt some good.

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