Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bunny Bonanza

Finding animals wandering in from the woods behind my house is nothing new. While our share of the trees isn't that big, there are a couple acres to either side that other people own. There is plenty of room for foxes, deer and God knows what else to roam.

The last couple of weeks the animal that seems to be taking control is the rabbit. We've started to see more and more of the little buggers popping up in the backyard, of various sizes and colors. There does seem to be one rather large one, who we can only assume is the mother bunny. It feels like, other than the big one, I never see the same rabbit twice and this may or may not be a good thing. It could be they're just passing through. But, it makes me think that there is quite a bit of action happening in the woods and these bunnies are mating like... well, bunnies.

Normally I wouldn't care one way or another but, come to find out, bunnies can carry ticks. This is an issue because we already discovered that ticks find one of my nieces tasty. That revelation sent my family to a level that could best be described as Defcon 3. Also, we're all Lyme disease experts now, which is nice.

Obviously as long as they stay away from my house I'll be OK leaving the critters alone. But, if they start to make it a habit of coming up on the deck then we'll have to invest in some sort of tick killer so that the girls can still run around in the backyard. Isn't nature just grand?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Wolf urine....apparenty it works like a charm. And I bet your brother would love an excuse to head over to the Bass Pro Shop to pick some up.