Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

After all my years of attending Catholic school, I feel that I can explain away most of the little nuances of Catholicism to those who may be of a different faith. I know the stories behind St. Nick, Palm Sunday, Advent Wreaths and Lent. But I can't come up with anything that explains the Easter/Rabbit connection. Also, no idea why we color and hide eggs, so please, don't ask.

But, hey, this is a day to have some brunch, watch my nieces wear big hats while they get very pretty new dresses dirty, eat candy and hang with my family before sitting down to watch golf in the afternoon. So whether you understand the day or not, it's still a nice time. And, as an added bonus, this is the first time the girls are old enough to send them on an Easter Egg hunt, so there are lots of chances for hysterics.

So, Happy Easter to every one who celebrates. And, if instead you celebrated Pass Over, I hope you found the Afikomen.

Now, I know I've gone a little video-clip happy this week and I'll try not to put so many on next week, but here is Patton Oswalt talking about an Easter tradition that any kid who grew up in the 80's can relate too (not-Easter appropriate-language; you've been warned).

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