Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just Killing a Shark With My Hands... What Are You Doing?

I've always like watching fish. When I was a kid I thought about being a marine biologist for about 3 days, until I realised I would have to study a lot of biology. Any biology, I would learn once I got to high school, was too much for me.

My inability to grasp science aside, that hasn't changed the fact that I like to watch fish swim. I just find them to be very graceful. I'm always watching documentaries about fish or whales and I rarely miss Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. But, even with that, I would never think to swim (in open waters), around fish that happen to be quite tasty to sharks. But, that's what three men decided to do when they went out in the Gulf of Mexico to go spear fishing for tuna.

After they had been fishing for a while a tiger shark swam into their area and began to slowly circle them, getting closer with each pass. Naturally, one of the men decided to take matters into his own hands and attack the shark first before it had time to come at them. I mean, they could have made a break for their boat, but why not be the aggressor? It's just what I would do in that situation. It's not like you're in the shark's turf. Apparently the guy hit the shark in the gills and, realising that this would slowly kill it, decided to try and be humane and kill it as quickly as possible. Well two hours later, the shark wouldn't quit living. (You may have over-estimated how seriously you wounded it the first time, Chief. And while you may have been trying to be humane, at some point you're just beating up a fish.) But, eventually the shark died, the three men were unharmed and the guy with the camera just filmed a better shark sequence then all of Jaws 3 or 4 combined. You can read the entire news story and see the rest of the ridiculous photos.

Another aspect of this is to think about the bragging rights. When I was really little, I once went fishing with my dad and brother. My brother had a brand-new fishing rod and every type of lure you could imagine. I had a Fisher Price wooden rod and some twine with a hook on the end. I caught 4 or 5 sun fish (one of them twice) while my brother never caught a thing. I still talk about that day; I can only imagine the amount of times that this guy's kids are going to hear this story before they get old enough to move out.

This is the patented "Shark Uppercut" that no one with a brain recommends you try in the event you are attacked.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Live every week like it's Shark Week. Those are the finest words of wisdom I've ever heard.

Also, I recently saw the movie Jaws and now I refuse to swim in the ocean. Not to mention I have a mean left hook that could stun a shark. Hopefully long enough for dolphins to come to my rescue.

And finally, congratulations on catching all those sun fish. Suck it, real fishing equipment!