Thursday, March 5, 2009

Now, THAT is a Sharp Knob

Have you ever owned the perfect pair of jeans? You know, jeans that you have worn enough that they've conformed to you? They have frayed in the perfect spots, loosened up where they need to and are now just the most comfortable pair of jeans imaginable? I own such a pair. They've been used frequently at work as well as at home and earned their stripes during many shoveling sessions. They are perfectly broken in.

Now, this particular pair of jeans had an extra bonus of being cheap. I don't like to spend a lot of money on clothes. I've never believed that clothes make the man, I believe the man makes the man. As a result, I typically spend 40 bucks to get dressed from head to toe. I've made up a healthy chunk of my wardrobe from the "2 Tee-Shirts for $20" display at Champs Sports. These jeans were a nice cheap Old Navy pair and they had served me well for years.

Lately they had begun to fray and thin out on the legs, particularly mid-thigh on the left side, where I keep my keys (pickpockets, take note!). A small frayed area about the size of a paper clip had developed. Now, I have no problem wearing ripped jeans, as long as it's not in the crotch. I'm not Amish; I have no problem showing off a little thigh. Besides, it was above the pocket, so that was mostly what you saw. But, when doing my laundry the other day I caught the corner of the metal bin that my mom uses to separate her and my dad's laundry and the frayed hole became a full rip. Little did I know, this was the beginning of the end of my jeans. Over the next couple of days and one trip through the wash the hole had gotten bigger, to about the size of golf ball.

Then today I was re-arraigning all the stuff in the bathroom after the cleaning lady had moved every thing around (sidebar: how hard is it to put everything back where it was? It's a guy's-only bathroom. We're talking 2 razors, toothpaste, mouthwash and toothbrushes. Yet, she never puts anything back where it was. I'm not complaining though, just wondering. I'm sure it's not easy or fun to clean a guy's bathroom. Better her than me.). Unbeknownst to me, the hole in my jeans was the perfect size for the knob on the drawer to slip into. And when I turned to walk away....

Damn. Guess I won't be wearing those anymore.

But, at least now you can answer two questions about me:
1. boxers.
2. yes, I have very hairy legs.

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