Friday, March 13, 2009

More Awesomeness

My Uncle continues to upload old photos onto his Flickr page and I feel that I must continue to share the best ones with you.

Another picture from my grandparent's wedding day. Why don't ladies wear hats anymore? It's only done at the Kentucky Derby and that is just too bad.

Ah, the Cottage. Please notice the fact that the couch almost matches the wall. Nice camouflage job. You'll be happy to know that while we didn't save the wallpaper in the great refurbish of the last 3 summers, we did leave the sweet orange countertops.

Halloween. Gee, I wonder which one I am.
You know, Jason couldn't be more than 12, but he's got to be over 6 feet tall already. Don't know what the deal with the Ghostbuster bags is - this must have been before we figured out you could get more candy using large pillow cases.

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