Friday, March 20, 2009

McDonald's Coma

A few years ago a documentary was made called Super Size Me. The basic premise of the thing was that the film maker, a guy named Morgan Spurlock, would eat McDonald's at every meal for 30 days and then document the toll this would take on his body. Over the course of 30 days he gained about 25 pounds, had to go to the hospital with health issues and began to suffer from depression.

On the groundbreaking scale this movie wasn't much of a tremor. (Wait, fast food is bad for us? We never would have known if it wasn't for you, Mr. Spurlock. Thank God you came to save us from ourselves.) But, it did lead to a show by Spurlock called 30 Days. That was where they would take someone from a situation and drop them into the polar opposite spectrum of life. They challenged an athlete to live as a paralyzed man, a border patrolman to live with a family of illegal immigrants and an atheist to live with a family of Christians. As a man who lives by the philosophy that you shouldn't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes (cause then when you judge them you're a mile away and you've got their shoes [old joke]), it's a pretty intriguing social experiment. I actually find that show to be very interesting, much more so than Super Size Me.

But I have a new found respect for Spurlock's work after Thursday. I had somewhere to be yesterday morning. Now, I don't usually have to be up and out the door early anymore so as a result I typically skip breakfast. But, since I was going to be up and out I figured I would pick up some McDonald's for breakfast. I have a sweet spot for the sausage McMuffin and they happen to be 2 for $3 right now. I know they're not good for me, but I don't eat them very much so I figured the one time wouldn't kill me. However, when lunch time came around McDonald's was again on the menu. What can I say - the food is cheap. So, I ate McDonald's twice in one day. And by 2 o'clock I was barely moving from my couch.

I felt like I had been hit with a tranquilizer dart. My stomach was killing me and I was really tired. I didn't even eat there three times in one day and it was killing me. I couldn't imagine doing that three times a day for thirty days.

-So, I went 15-1 with my tournament picks yesterday (damn you, Butler!). This isn't significant cause there were no great upsets, but I still just wanted to boost my ego for the day.

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