Friday, June 19, 2009

The 80's View of the Future

-I'm always amused when I watch movies that were made in the late 80's or early 90's which were supposed to take place "in the future." The original Transformers cartoon movie was made in 1986, but took place in the distance future of the year 2005. Apparently, they really thought our space travel and hover board technology was going to take off over the next 20 years. I'm sad to say that 4 years ago I still wasn't able to go to the moon for the hell of it. Freejack, a terrible movie that has been on Starz the last couple of weeks, was made in 1992 and takes place in 2009, a time of flying cars and computers that can re-create near perfect versions of Anthony Hopkins. I guess classically trained actors are harder to come by now. But, my all-time favorite was Demolition Man. Released in 1993, the movie opens in 1996, where Los Angeles has devolved into a lawless war zone. Apparently the writers were expecting people to get a lot more pissed when they found out the Raiders were moving back to Oakland.

These movie do bring up a glaring problem with the human race. It seems like we've sort of come to a stalemate when it comes to new technology. No one looks to invent new stuff anymore, just improve on the old stuff. No one works on flying cars, just cars that run on electricity. We were supposed to have that stuff in the 70's. Also, I'm willing to bet no one even worries about the hover boards anymore. Basically, I just want to know where my jet pack is?

-Ok, I've talked about it before: I don't smoke pot. Never have. However, if you want to indulge, I'm not one to judge; we all have our vices (mine = peanut butter cups). But, when you have 200 lbs of pot in your truck, then you may have a problem.

-It's a good time to be a golf enthusiast. Golf has been hit harder than almost any other sport in America and people are desperate to keep the courses busy. As a result, there are tons of deals to be had at really nice courses. Just yesterday I was mailed a coupon for a half-off special at Norwood Country Club. Two golfers, with a cart, just $50 for 18 holes. The only catch is that they're trying to pull more couples in, so it needs to be a man and woman. What do you think my odds are of talking one of my golf buddies into wearing a wig?

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