Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Week's Worth of Weird in One Post...

I've sort of clumped them all together, to save you the time of checking around for them yourself:

-Their loss to the United States has been eased by the fact that the U.S. then went on to beat Spain, proving that the U.S. isn't quite so inept at soccer. So I would imagine getting their hotel rooms robbed by the hookers they hired has gone back to being the lowest point for the Egyptian National Team. And they were doing so well after beating Italy.

-The whole point of a random drug test is to try to catch you off guard, not giving someone time to set up a way around the test. Also, if someone refuses to take a test, I can see how that would look bad and you could mark that up as a positive test. I'm all for keeping sports clean, but there should be limits. Banning a guy for two years because he won't come in to test and would rather spend the night with his girlfriend seems excessive is all. Weren't these drug officials ever 24 years old? Maybe she isn't in the mood much and he had to strike while the iron was hot. Jees, have a heart.

-You don't have to read the whole article about the home-schooled kids in Georgia who have started their own football team. I just want you to look at this picture. How come no one, not even the guy printing up the sign, caught that? Honestly, aren't the home-schooled kids usually the best spellers?

You know, besides the mental self-competition, exercise and fresh air, another great reason to take up golf is because it's where all the crazy shit goes down:

-Etiquette is a huge part of golf. So if these 3 guys were in fact slow playing then they should have let the guy by himself play through. He's absolutely right about that part. The "morally obligated to destroy them" part, however, isn't quite covered anywhere in the rules.

-My uncles enjoy a good joke as much as the next lot. But, leaving someone after they've had ten beers and letting him try to drive home in a golf cart is a line even they wouldn't (probably) cross.

-Donald Trump: once again proving that beggars can, in fact, be choosers. You know, my nieces do this with crayons. They want a crayon, any crayon, but then you give them a yellow crayon and they suddenly want a red crayon. However, they're 2. Whats Donald's excuse?

Lastly, this is the latest video to sweep the Internet. Personally, it has too much Allen Iverson, not enough Mike Gundy's "I'm a Man!" for my tastes. But, it still has a catchy beat to it. Enjoy.

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